
Severe Compassion: The Gospel according to Nahum is unavailable, but you can change that!

Gregory Cook helps readers navigate the book of Nahum, a poetic masterpiece that teaches about God’s love for his adulterous people. As the prophet Nahum teaches, God’s passionate love threatens all our other loves. When we find God boring and the world fascinating, we commit the sin of rebellion—but God, with severe compassion, refuses to abandon us when we stray into destructive paths....

in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.’ Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands” (Rev. 1:11–12). Like John, Nahum recorded events that he had seen in his mind, but which had not yet happened in history. The final words of Nahum 1:1 introduce our prophet. We know nothing about Nahum except for his name,
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